Logical Reasoning Test(Topic: Inequality) Of 29th January January 28, 2024January 30, 2024 Manoj Jha After 40 min Test will close automaticallyLogical Reasoning TestTopic : InequalityDirections: In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. Some statements are followed by some conclusions. Choose the correct answer on the basis of information given below. Please submit below details before proceed<<Don't worry we wont call its Just for Tracking purpose>> 1 / 50Statements: M < A ≤ P > X, P ≥ B = C < Y, C ≥ D > F = LConclusions: I. P ≥ D, II. M < C Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. Only conclusion I follows. Both conclusions follow. Only conclusion II follows. Neither conclusion I nor II follows. 2 / 50Statements: N ≥ K > J, P = M ≥ K, Q ≤ L < MConclusions: P > J, N > P Neither conclusion I nor II follows Both conclusions I and II follow Only conclusion II follows Only conclusion I follows Either conclusion I or II follows 3 / 50Statements: S < V, P = M, T > V, M < I, R = I, P < TConclusions: (i) I > P (ii) S > M (iii) I < T Both conclusions (i) and (ii) follow Only conclusion (ii) follows Either conclusion (i) or (ii) follows None of the conclusions follow Only conclusion (i) follows 4 / 50Statements: M < T < G ≤ J = U > Y > RConclusions: G < U, J > R Both conclusions follow Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows Only conclusion II follows Only conclusion I follows 5 / 50Statements: C = W ≤ T, V > T > L, E ≤ V = I, C > G = EConclusions: G < T, C < I Only conclusion II follows Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows Both the conclusions follow Only conclusion I follows Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows 6 / 50Statement: P ≤ Q < S = T ≥ U ≥ W < ZConclusion: I. S > W, II. W = T Neither I nor II follows Only II follows. Only I follows. Both I and II follows. Either I or II follows. 7 / 50Statements: Y < O ≤ G ≤ K = U > L > PConclusions: O = U, U > O Only conclusion I follows Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows Only conclusion II follows Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows Both conclusions follow 8 / 50Statement: 3 ≥ 9 < 7 ≤ 10 = 2 ≤ 6Conclusions: I. 6 > 9 II. 9 ≤ 2 Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows Both conclusions follow Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows Only conclusion II follows Only conclusion I follows 9 / 50Statements: M < A ≤ P > X, P ≥ B = C < Y, C ≥ D > F = LConclusions: I. P ≥ D, II. M < C Neither conclusion I nor II follows Both conclusions follow. Only conclusion I follows. Only conclusion II follows. Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. 10 / 50Statements: C < D, E ≥ B, B > D, A = EConclusions: B > C, A < D Only C1 follows Only C2 follows Neither C1 nor C2 follows Either C1 or C2 follows Both C1 and C2 follow 11 / 50Statement: H < A < T = G > U ≥ V ≥ BConclusion:I. T > BII. G > H Both conclusion I and II follow Only conclusion I follow Either conclusion I or II follow None Follows Only conclusion II follow 12 / 50Statements: C < D = A, J ≤ G < A, T > J ≥ VConclusions: G > V, G = V Both conclusions I and II follow Neither conclusion I nor II follows Either conclusion I or II follows Only conclusion I follows Only conclusion II follows 13 / 50Statements: Y ≥ P = O, P < R ≤ JConclusions: R > Y, J > O Both conclusion I and II follow. Only conclusion II follows. Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. Only conclusion I follows. Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows. 14 / 50Also Check: Maths Quiz Test Of 27th FebruaryStatements: B > A ≥ T > F = Y ≤ S < DConclusions: F < D, A > S Only conclusion II follows Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows Only conclusion I follows Both conclusions follow Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows 15 / 50Statements: B > A ≥ T, F = Y ≤ T, S > D ≤ F, Y ≤ X ≤ TConclusions: A ≥ F, T > D, B > Y Only conclusion III follows Either conclusion I or II follows None of the conclusions follows All the conclusions follow Only conclusion I and III follow 16 / 50Statement: T < U = V ≥ S > P ≥ QConclusions: S > T, V > Q Both conclusion I and II follow. Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. Only conclusion II follows. Only conclusion I follows. Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows. 17 / 50Statements: D ≥ S, X < W, S = J, W > Y, X > D, Y ≤ O, J ≥ EConclusions: (i) D > E (ii) D = E(iii) O > S Only conclusion (iii) follows Both conclusions (i) and (iii) follow Only conclusion (i) follows All the conclusions follow Either conclusion (i) or (ii) follows 18 / 50Statements: W < H ≤ L < J ≤ N < V, M = F ≠ J = G ≥ I > Q, U ≤ P < E = C = IConclusions: I. E < V II. W < P Only C1 follows Neither C1 nor C2 follows Both C1 and C2 follow Either C1 or C2 follows Only C2 follows 19 / 50Statements: B > A ≥ T > F = Y ≤ S < DConclusions: F < D, A > S Only conclusion II follows Both conclusions follow Only conclusion I follows Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows 20 / 50Statement: M = X < Z ≥ W = N ≤ Q < T ≤ V = UConclusions: I. V ≥ W II. T 𝑘 U Either C1 or C2 follows Neither C1 nor C2 follows Only C2 follows Only C1 follows Both C1 and C2 follow 21 / 50Statements: N > U ≥ M = B, D ≥ R ≤ E > BConclusions: E > M, N < D Only conclusion II follows. Only conclusion I follows. Both conclusion I and II follow. Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows. 22 / 50Statement: S > M = Z > T < Q > VConclusions: V = S, Q > M Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. Only conclusion II follows. Only conclusion I follows. Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows. Both conclusion I and II follow. 23 / 50Statements: A ≥ C > K, J < K ≥ H, L = W ≥ J, B ≤ W = MConclusions: A > L, C > H Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows Both the conclusions follow Only conclusion II follows Only conclusion II follows Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows 24 / 50Statements: J = X ≤ U > Z, M = N ≥ U = P, L = O < N ≥ TConclusions: I. J < N, II. O > U Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. Both conclusions follow. Only conclusion I follows. Only conclusion II follows. Neither conclusion I nor II follows. 25 / 50Statements: A > C = B = F ≥ J < M, K = Q ≤ J < Z < N, X = U ≠ K = S ≥ Z > XConclusions: I. Z < C II. A > K Both C1 and C2 follow Either C1 or C2 follows Only C2 follows Neither C1 nor C2 follows Only C1 follows 26 / 50Statement: P ≤ R ≤ C = S > Q > TConclusions: I. P < Q II. S ≥ P Only conclusion II follows Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows Neither conclusion I or conclusion II follows Both conclusions follow Only conclusion I follows 27 / 50Also Check: Logical Reasoning Quiz Test Of 7th MarchStatements: X ≥ T, Z < K, K < H, F = Q, T < Z, F > HConclusions: (i) T < F (ii) Q > K (iii) Z < F Only conclusion (i) follows Either conclusion (i) or (ii) follows All the conclusions follow Both conclusions (i) and (ii) follow Only conclusion (ii) follows 28 / 50Statements: W < X, Y = Z, V < U, X > Z, G ≥ Y, W > U, H = VConclusions: (i) G > X (ii) W > H (iii) Y = H Only conclusion (i) follows Both conclusions (i) and (iii) follow None of the conclusions follow Only conclusion (ii) follows Either conclusion (i) or (ii) follows 29 / 50Statements: P ≥ I, N < J, R > A = P, I = JConclusions: R ≥ I, A > N Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows. Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. Both conclusion I and II follow. Only conclusion II follows. Only conclusion I follows. 30 / 50Statements: A ≥ C > K, J < K ≥ H, L = W ≥ J, B ≤ W = MConclusions: A > L, C > H Only conclusion II follows Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows Both the conclusions follow Only conclusion II follows 31 / 50Statements: H ≥ V = O > R, X ≤ D > Y > R, Y > N = L < ZConclusions: I. O < D, II. R > N Either conclusion I or II follows. Neither conclusion I nor II follows. Only conclusion II follows. Only conclusion I follows. Both conclusions I and II follow. 32 / 50Statements: X > Y ≥ Z, O ≥ X < E, R < O > KConclusions: Z < E, O > Y Neither conclusion I nor II follows Either conclusion I or II follows Only conclusion II follows Only conclusion I follows Both conclusions I and II follow 33 / 50Statements: C < R = X; M = L > O = C; X > L = IConclusions: I. O = X, II. I < R Either conclusion I or II follows. Neither conclusion I nor II follows. Both conclusions I and II follow. Only conclusion II follows. Only conclusion I follows. 34 / 50Statements: P < D ≤ U, U = G > B, Y < G ≤ LConclusions: L > B, P > Y Only conclusion II follows Either conclusion I or II follows Only conclusion I follows Both conclusions I and II follow Neither conclusion I nor II follows 35 / 50Statements: M > H = A, X ≥ G < H, Y < M < P, G > O > KConclusions: P > X, G < P, Y < H None of the conclusions follows Only conclusion II follows All the conclusions follow Only conclusion I and III follow Either conclusion I or II follows 36 / 50Statements: M < T < G ≤ J = U > Y > RConclusions: G < U, J > R Only conclusion I follows Only conclusion II follows Both conclusions follow Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows 37 / 50Statements: U < I, V = E, R ≥ V, I < N < RConclusions: R > U, I ≥ E Both conclusion I and II follow. Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. Only conclusion II follows. Only conclusion I follows. Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows. 38 / 50Statements: M < U ≤ D < E, L ≥ O > A = D, K < L = N < FConclusions: F > E, M < O, N ≥ U Only conclusion III and either conclusion I or II follows None of the conclusions follow Only conclusion II follows Either conclusion I or II follows All the conclusions follow 39 / 50Statements: J = X ≤ U > Z, M = N ≥ U = P, L = O < N ≥ TAlso Check: MH CET Verbal Reasoning : Blood Relation TestConclusions: I. J < N, II. O > U Both conclusions follow. Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. Only conclusion II follows. Only conclusion I follows. Neither conclusion I nor II follows. 40 / 50Statements: M > A > R, G = R < S, F ≤ R ≤ C, Q = C > JConclusions: M > F, Q = F, Q > F Only conclusion I follows Both option A and B. Either conclusion II or III follows Only conclusion III follows Both option A and C 41 / 50Statements: B ≤ A < C, M = O > A, V ≥ O > I, I < K = VConclusions: B < V, A = K, I > C All the conclusions follow Only conclusion I follows None of the conclusions follow Only conclusions II and III follow Either conclusion I or III follows 42 / 50Statements: L ≥ Y ≥ A < R, S > Q = A ≥ IConclusions: I. S > Y, II. R > Q Both conclusions follow. Neither conclusion I nor II follows. Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. Only conclusion II follows. Only conclusion I follows. 43 / 50Statements: L ≥ Y ≥ A < R, S > Q = A ≥ IConclusions: I. S > Y, II. R > Q Only conclusion II follows. Neither conclusion I nor II follows. Both conclusions follow. Only conclusion I follows. Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. 44 / 50Statements: P < K, B ≥ D, K = E, H > B, P ≤ G, E > T, D = GConclusions: (i) K > T (ii) B > P(iii) B = P Both A and D follows Both conclusions (i) and (ii) follow Either conclusion (ii) or (iii) follows None of the conclusions follow Only conclusion (i) follows 45 / 50Statements: Y < O ≤ G ≤ K = U > L > PConclusions: O = U, U > O Both conclusions follow Only conclusion II follows Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows Only conclusion I follows Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows 46 / 50Statements: Y > U = X < E, L ≥ X > A = W, B < L = C < ZConclusions: B > E, U < Z, A < Y Only conclusions II and III follow Either conclusion I or II follows None of the conclusions follow All the conclusions follow Only conclusion II follows 47 / 50Statements: L ≥ A ≥ C, K = Y ≤ C, H > D ≤ K, A > E < YConclusions: D < A, A = D, L > Y Only conclusion II and III follow All the conclusions follow Only conclusion III follows None of the conclusions follows Either conclusion I or II follows 48 / 50Statements: J = O ≤ P, T > P > X, Y ≤ X = W, S > Y > RConclusions: T > S, J < Y, W > R Only conclusions II and III follow All the conclusions follow Only conclusion I follows Only conclusion III follows None of the conclusions follow 49 / 50Statements: H ≥ V = O > R, X ≤ D > Y > R, Y > N = L < ZConclusions: I. O < D, II. R > N Only conclusion II follows. Only conclusion I follows. Neither conclusion I nor II follows. Both conclusions I and II follow. Either conclusion I or II follows. 50 / 50Statements: F < H < E, J < D > C, F = C < GConclusions: H < C, D = G Only conclusion I follows Only conclusion II follows Either conclusion I or II follows Neither conclusion I nor II follows Both conclusions I and II follow Your score isLet Everyone know your Achievement. LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz