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Topic : Simplification

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1 / 100

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
In the world have me made health an end in itself? We have forgotten that health is really a means to enable a person to do his work and do it well .A lot of modern medicine is concerded with promotion of good health .Many patients as well as many physicians pay very little attention to health: but very much attention to health makes some people imagine that they are ill. Our great concern with health is shown by the medical columns in newspapers, the health articles in popular and the popularity on television programme and all those books on medicine. We talk about health all the time yet for the most only result is more people with imaginary illness. The healthy man should not be wasting any time talking about health. He should be using health for work the work he does and the work that good health makes possible.
 Talking about health all the time makes people-
A. always suffer from imaginery illness
B. sometimes suffer from imaginery illness
C. rarely suffer from imaginery illness
D. often suffer from imaginery illness

2 / 100

Who is leading the initiative to launch the ChatGPT-style AI service named 'Hanooman’?
'हनुमान' नाम से ChatGPT-शैली AI सेवा लॉन्च करने की पहल का नेतृत्व कौन कर रहा है?
a) Mukesh Ambani
b) Ratan Tata
c) Anand Mahindra
d) Adi Godrej

3 / 100

The Kamakhya temple is located in which city?
(A) Chennai
(B) Guwahati
(C) Bengaluru
(D) Hyderabad

4 / 100


Which unit of the computer is considered as the brain of the computer ?

a)Memory unit

b)Input unit


d)Output unit


5 / 100

How many pairs of letters are there in the word " CASTRAPHONE" which have as many letters between them in the word as in the alphabet?

A) 3B) 4
C) 5D) 6

6 / 100

What target is India aiming to achieve for its economy by 2047?
भारत 2047 तक अपनी अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए क्या लक्ष्य हासिल करना चाहता है?
a) 15 Trillion dollars
b) 20 Trillion dollars
c) 25 Trillion dollars
d) 35 Trillion dollars

7 / 100

If the cost price of 12 pens is equal to the selling price of 8 pens, the gain percent is ?

A) 12%B) 30%
C) 50%D) 60%

8 / 100

The average of runs of a cricket player of 10 innings was 32. How many runs must he make in his next innings so as to increase his average of runs by 4 ?

A) 76B) 79
C) 85D) 87

9 / 100

In the following questions groups of four words are given. In each group, one word is misspelt. Find the misspelt word and mark your answer.


A. Offender

B. Brood

C. Acimbo

D. Gainsay

10 / 100

How many 6's are there in the following sequence that are immediately preceeded by 3 but not immediately followed by 0?


3 6 9 0 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 6 3 6 0 6 3 3 6 0

A) 8B) 3
C) 5D) 6

11 / 100

Read the following passage care fully and answer the given questions.

Language, they say, is the Iens through which human beings perceive the world. If so, English is perhaps the most distorting lens through which to see animals. It has perpetuated a cross-eyed view of birds, beasts, fish and fowl. The very word' animal;' connotes the brutish and the sensual. Animal instincts and animal passions imply baseness and vulgarity. The language transfers negative human traits to animals, making the former appear as characteristics of the latter. Thus, the chicken is cowardly, frightened, faint-hearted, the goat lustful and foolish, the bear rough and ill-bred. Butterflies are flighty and foxes notorious for craftiness and cunning. They baffle, deceive and cheat. Much the worst one, reptiles, particularly the snake, creeping base malignant, abject, ungrateful and treacherous.

Each species carries its denigration forever embedded in its English name giving the language as many unpleasant adjectives and figures of speech as it could possibly want. To be bull-headed is to be impetuous and obstinate the cattish woman is spiteful and back-biting the crab-faced person has a peevish countenance. An elephant's walk is ungainly, bird brains are to be ridiculed and the herd mentality draws only contempt. You can be as blind as a bat and batty, if you are crazy as well.

Which of the following statement is true?

A. The chicken is cowardly, the goat faint hearted and the bear ill-bred.

B. The chicken is cowardly the goat ill-bred and the bear lustful.

C. The chicken is cowardly, the goat rough and the bear faint-hearted.

D. The chicken is faint-hearted, the goat foolish and the bear ill-bred.

12 / 100

By selling 45 lemons for Rs 40, a man loses 20%. How many should he sell for Rs 24 to gain 20% in the transaction ?

A) 16B) 18
C) 20D) 22

13 / 100

Arrange these words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes last

1. Abandon  2. Actuate  3. Accumulate  4. Acquit   5. Achieve

A) ActuateB) Accumulate
C) AcquitD) Achieve

14 / 100

Read the following passage care fully and answer the given questions.

Language, they say, is the Iens through which human beings perceive the world. If so, English is perhaps the most distorting lens through which to see animals. It has perpetuated a cross-eyed view of birds, beasts, fish and fowl. The very word' animal;' connotes the brutish and the sensual. Animal instincts and animal passions imply baseness and vulgarity. The language transfers negative human traits to animals, making the former appear as characteristics of the latter. Thus, the chicken is cowardly, frightened, faint-hearted, the goat lustful and foolish, the bear rough and ill-bred. Butterflies are flighty and foxes notorious for craftiness and cunning. They baffle, deceive and cheat. Much the worst one, reptiles, particularly the snake, creeping base malignant, abject, ungrateful and treacherous.

Each species carries its denigration forever embedded in its English name giving the language as many unpleasant adjectives and figures of speech as it could possibly want. To be bull-headed is to be impetuous and obstinate the cattish woman is spiteful and back-biting the crab-faced person has a peevish countenance. An elephant's walk is ungainly, bird brains are to be ridiculed and the herd mentality draws only contempt. You can be as blind as a bat and batty, if you are crazy as well.

Which of the following words/groups of words in the passage means 'thinking or working as a group rather than as separate individuals?

A. species

B. countenance

C. designation

D. herd mentality

15 / 100

The bride settled -------- very well in the new environment.
A. on
B. down
C. up
D. off

16 / 100

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
In the world have me made health an end in itself? We have forgotten that health is really a means to enable a person to do his work and do it well .A lot of modern medicine is concerded with promotion of good health .Many patients as well as many physicians pay very little attention to health: but very much attention to health makes some people imagine that they are ill. Our great concern with health is shown by the medical columns in newspapers, the health articles in popular and the popularity on television programme and all those books on medicine. We talk about health all the time yet for the most only result is more people with imaginary illness. The healthy man should not be wasting any time talking about health. He should be using health for work the work he does and the work that good health makes possible.
 In the questions given below choose the word most opposite in meaning to the given word and mark your answer.
A. incredible
B. immune
C. predictable
D. unpredictable
told his men to stand at ease

17 / 100

 Paris is the capital of which country?
(A) Japan
(B) France
(D) UK

18 / 100

rrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.

1.Presentation  2.Recommendation  3. Arrival  4.Discussion  5.Introduction

A) 5, 3, 4, 1, 2B) 3, 5, 4, 2, 1
C) 3, 5, 1, 4, 2D) 5, 3, 1, 2, 4

19 / 100

Read the following passage care fully and answer the given questions.

Language, they say, is the Iens through which human beings perceive the world. If so, English is perhaps the most distorting lens through which to see animals. It has perpetuated a cross-eyed view of birds, beasts, fish and fowl. The very word' animal;' connotes the brutish and the sensual. Animal instincts and animal passions imply baseness and vulgarity. The language transfers negative human traits to animals, making the former appear as characteristics of the latter. Thus, the chicken is cowardly, frightened, faint-hearted, the goat lustful and foolish, the bear rough and ill-bred. Butterflies are flighty and foxes notorious for craftiness and cunning. They baffle, deceive and cheat. Much the worst one, reptiles, particularly the snake, creeping base malignant, abject, ungrateful and treacherous.

Also Check:   Current Affairs Quiz Of 10th Janauary

Each species carries its denigration forever embedded in its English name giving the language as many unpleasant adjectives and figures of speech as it could possibly want. To be bull-headed is to be impetuous and obstinate the cattish woman is spiteful and back-biting the crab-faced person has a peevish countenance. An elephant's walk is ungainly, bird brains are to be ridiculed and the herd mentality draws only contempt. You can be as blind as a bat and batty, if you are crazy as well.

English language

A. is the lens through which people see the correct picture of the world

B. is the lens through which people see a distorted picture of the world

C. is not a lens yet can reflect the world

D. is a lens that does not allow one to see anything

20 / 100

A man on tour travels first 160 km at 64 km/hr and the next 160 km at 80 km/hr. The average speed for the first 320 km of the tour is

A) 35.55 km/hrB) 36 km/hr
C) 71.11 km/hrD) 71 km/hr

21 / 100

 Among the following the derived quantity is

A) mass

B)      length

C) density

D)      time

22 / 100

 In the question given below, choose the word most similar in meaning to the given word and mark your answer.


A. Trail

B. Admit

C. Placate

D. Renounce

23 / 100

A sum of money at simple interest amounts to Rs. 815 in 3 years and to Rs. 854 in 4 years. The sum is:

A) 650B) 690
C) 698D) 700

24 / 100

Voice of your friend can be recognized by its

A)  pitch

B)  quality

C)  intensity

D)         velocity

25 / 100


Ultrasonic waves have frequency



A) below 20 Hz



B)between 20 and 20,000 Hz



C)only above 20,000 Hz



D) only above 20,000 MHz

26 / 100

Read the following passage care fully and answer the given questions.

Language, they say, is the Iens through which human beings perceive the world. If so, English is perhaps the most distorting lens through which to see animals. It has perpetuated a cross-eyed view of birds, beasts, fish and fowl. The very word' animal;' connotes the brutish and the sensual. Animal instincts and animal passions imply baseness and vulgarity. The language transfers negative human traits to animals, making the former appear as characteristics of the latter. Thus, the chicken is cowardly, frightened, faint-hearted, the goat lustful and foolish, the bear rough and ill-bred. Butterflies are flighty and foxes notorious for craftiness and cunning. They baffle, deceive and cheat. Much the worst one, reptiles, particularly the snake, creeping base malignant, abject, ungrateful and treacherous.

Each species carries its denigration forever embedded in its English name giving the language as many unpleasant adjectives and figures of speech as it could possibly want. To be bull-headed is to be impetuous and obstinate the cattish woman is spiteful and back-biting the crab-faced person has a peevish countenance. An elephant's walk is ungainly, bird brains are to be ridiculed and the herd mentality draws only contempt. You can be as blind as a bat and batty, if you are crazy as well.

Which of the following statements is not true?

A. Butterflies are flightly, and foxes notorious for craftiness and cunning.

B. To be bull-headed is to be impetuous and obstinate, the cattish woman is spiteful and back-bitting.

C. The very word 'animal' cannotes the brutish and the brave.

D. Animals instincts and animal passions imply baseness and vulgarity.

27 / 100

Match the following:

  1. Input device
  2. Output device
  3. Browser


  • a. Printer
  • b. Chrome
  • c. Keyboard

[A] 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
[B] 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
[C] 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
[D] 1-c, 2-b, 3-a

28 / 100

C L R T B Q S M A P D I  N F J K G Y X

Four of the following  five are alike in a certain way and so form group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?

1. LBT     2.IJF    3. PID    4. BMS


29 / 100

Light travels fastest in which medium?

a) Nitrogen b) Air c) Steel d) Vacuum...

30 / 100

32 ÷ 128 × 1024 ÷ 8 = ?

31 / 100

 In the question given below, choose the word most opposite in meaning to the given word and mark your answer.


A. Inarticulate

B. Fluent

C. Lucid

D. Coherent

32 / 100

10 Which of the following is a Vector Quantity?
(A) Pressure
(B) Work
(C) Momentum
(D) Energy

33 / 100

Which of the following is an input device of a computer ?





34 / 100

In a family, there are six members A, B, C, D, E and F.

A and B are a married couple, A being the male member. D is the only son of C, who is the brother of A. E is the sister of D. B is the daughter-in-law of F, whose husband has died. How is E related to C ?

A) SisterB) Daughter
C) CousinD) Mother

35 / 100

In the following questions groups of four words are given. In each group, one word is misspelt. Find the misspelt word and mark your answer.


A. Arrogance

B. Tout

C. Spireling

D. Debilitating

36 / 100

2x + 3y = 34 andx + y=13, then find the value of 6x + 4y.


37 / 100

A, B and C can do a piece of work in 24 days, 30 days and 40 days respectively. They began the work together but C left 4 days before the completion of the work. In how many days was the work completed?

A) 11 daysB) 12 days
C) 13 daysD) 14 days

38 / 100

In a certain code language COMPUTER is written as RFUVQNPC. How will MEDICINE be written in that code language?


39 / 100

Which of the following best expresses the meaning of the given Idiom/phrases?


A. Be ready to obey someone

B. At rest

C. At one’s desks

D. Maiden speech

40 / 100

1 Which river is known as the ‘handmaid’ of the Narmada?
(A) Tapti
(B) Mahi
(C) Sabarmati
(D) Luni

41 / 100

In the question given below out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given sentence and mark it as your answer.

One who hates war and loves peace

A. Optimist

B. Pessimist

C. Pacifist

D. Conservative

42 / 100

Should a total ban be put on traping wild animals?


1. Yes. Trappers are making a lot of money
2. No. Bans on hunting and trapping are not effective

A) Only 1 is trueB) Only 2 is true
C) Either 1 or 2 is trueD) Neither 1 or 2 is true

43 / 100

_____ is a small, portable flash memory card that plugs into a computer’s USB port and functions as a portable hard drive ?

a)Flash drive




44 / 100

7 litres mixture of milk and water contains 30% water. 3.5 litres of milk is added to this mixture. What is the percentage of water in the new mixture?


A) 10B) 15
C) 20D) 25

45 / 100

 In the question given below, choose the word most opposite in meaning to the given word and mark your answer.


A. Disdain

B. Dull

C. Urban

D. Sensible

46 / 100

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
In the world have me made health an end in itself? We have forgotten that health is really a means to enable a person to do his work and do it well .A lot of modern medicine is concerded with promotion of good health .Many patients as well as many physicians pay very little attention to health: but very much attention to health makes some people imagine that they are ill. Our great concern with health is shown by the medical columns in newspapers, the health articles in popular and the popularity on television programme and all those books on medicine. We talk about health all the time yet for the most only result is more people with imaginary illness. The healthy man should not be wasting any time talking about health. He should be using health for work the work he does and the work that good health makes possible.
 The passage suggests that
A. health is an end in itself
B. health is a blessing
C. health is only a means to an end
D. we should not talk about health

47 / 100

What is the full form of PROM ?

a)Program read-only memory

b)Primary read-only memory

c)Programmable read-only memory

d)Program read-output memory

48 / 100

Which of these is not an email service provider?

[A] Yahoo
[B] Rediff
[C] WhatsApp
[D] Hotmail

49 / 100

All flowers are toys. Some toys are trees. Some angels are trees


1. Some angels are toys

2. Some trees are flowers

3. Some flowers are angels

A) None followsB) Only 1 follows
C) Only 2 followsD) Only 1 and 3 follow

50 / 100

51 / 100

In the questions given below, choose the word most opposite in meaning to the given word and mark your answer.


A. Knave

B. Complete

C. placid

D. succumb

52 / 100

In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Mark your answer.

The millions of people from different parts of the world, who have settled in America, have all contributed something to American English. (A) _________ to the new ways of life they (B) _________ in the new country, they could not help leaving some (C) _________ of their language on English. (D) _________ drawing upon these many elements which make (E) _________ American culture, Americans have made their kind of English a melting pot in miniature.

Choose the correct option for (A)

A. confirming

B. conforming

C. confining

D. connecting

53 / 100

Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Do a good turn
(A) Render a service
(B) Wait for a turn
(C) Return a gift
(D) Make a profit

54 / 100

The difference between the place value and the face value of 7 in the numeral 967452 is

A) 6393B) 5831
C) 6993D) 6339

55 / 100

In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Mark your answer.

The millions of people from different parts of the world, who have settled in America, have all contributed something to American English. (A) _________ to the new ways of life they (B) _________ in the new country, they could not help leaving some (C) _________ of their language on English. (D) _________ drawing upon these many elements which make (E) _________ American culture, Americans have made their kind of English a melting pot in miniature.

Choose the correct option for (E)

A. for

B. of

C. up

D. over

56 / 100

In the question given below out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given sentence and mark it as your answer.

One who is a habitual drunkard

A. Honorary

B. Catholic

C. Debonair

D. Toper

57 / 100

Which of the following best expresses the meaning of the given Idiom/phrases and mark your answer.


A. To deal with a person strictly

B. To understand a person completely

C. To start a movement

D. To repent for one’s bad actions

58 / 100

Read the following passage care fully and answer the given questions.

Language, they say, is the Iens through which human beings perceive the world. If so, English is perhaps the most distorting lens through which to see animals. It has perpetuated a cross-eyed view of birds, beasts, fish and fowl. The very word' animal;' connotes the brutish and the sensual. Animal instincts and animal passions imply baseness and vulgarity. The language transfers negative human traits to animals, making the former appear as characteristics of the latter. Thus, the chicken is cowardly, frightened, faint-hearted, the goat lustful and foolish, the bear rough and ill-bred. Butterflies are flighty and foxes notorious for craftiness and cunning. They baffle, deceive and cheat. Much the worst one, reptiles, particularly the snake, creeping base malignant, abject, ungrateful and treacherous.

Each species carries its denigration forever embedded in its English name giving the language as many unpleasant adjectives and figures of speech as it could possibly want. To be bull-headed is to be impetuous and obstinate the cattish woman is spiteful and back-biting the crab-faced person has a peevish countenance. An elephant's walk is ungainly, bird brains are to be ridiculed and the herd mentality draws only contempt. You can be as blind as a bat and batty, if you are crazy as well.

Which of the following words/groups of words in the passage means 'thinking or working as a group rather than as separate individuals?

A. species

B. countenance

C. designation

D. herd mentality

59 / 100

The __ called a faculty meeting
1- a
2- b
4-none of these

60 / 100

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
In the world have me made health an end in itself? We have forgotten that health is really a means to enable a person to do his work and do it well .A lot of modern medicine is concerded with promotion of good health .Many patients as well as many physicians pay very little attention to health: but very much attention to health makes some people imagine that they are ill. Our great concern with health is shown by the medical columns in newspapers, the health articles in popular and the popularity on television programme and all those books on medicine. We talk about health all the time yet for the most only result is more people with imaginary illness. The healthy man should not be wasting any time talking about health. He should be using health for work the work he does and the work that good health makes possible.
The passage tells us -
A. how medicine should be manufactured
B. what a healthy man should or should not do
C. what the television programme should be about
D. how best to imagine illness

61 / 100

Which of the following is a volatile memory of a computer?

[A] Secondary Memory
[B] Cache memory

62 / 100

If Rs. 782 be divided into three parts, proportional to 12:23:3412:23:34, then the first part is?

A) Rs. 182B) Rs. 190
C) Rs. 192D) Rs. 204

63 / 100

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
In the world have me made health an end in itself? We have forgotten that health is really a means to enable a person to do his work and do it well .A lot of modern medicine is concerded with promotion of good health .Many patients as well as many physicians pay very little attention to health: but very much attention to health makes some people imagine that they are ill. Our great concern with health is shown by the medical columns in newspapers, the health articles in popular and the popularity on television programme and all those books on medicine. We talk about health all the time yet for the most only result is more people with imaginary illness. The healthy man should not be wasting any time talking about health. He should be using health for work the work he does and the work that good health makes possible.
 A healthy man should be concerned with-
A. his work which good health makes possible
B. looking after his health
C. his health which makes work possible
D. taling about health

64 / 100

Some mountains are hillocks. Some mountains are rivers. Some mountains are valleys.


1. All mountains are either hillocks or rivers or valleys

2. No valley is river

3. Some river are valleys

A) None followsB) Only 1 follows
C) Only 2 and 3 followD) Only 3 follows

65 / 100

Which of the following devices is NOT used to enter data into a computer ?





66 / 100

In the context of computing, a byte is equal to _____ bits ?





67 / 100

Which of the following best expresses the meaning of the given Idiom/phrases?


A. Gainly

B. Finally

C. Resolutely

D. Perceptively

68 / 100

A pupil's marks were wrongly entered as 83 instead of 63. Due to that the average marks for the class got increased by half. The number of pupils in the class is :

A) 45B) 40
C) 39D) 37

69 / 100

If the second half of the given series is reversed, then what will be the fifth term to the left of the ninth term from the right?





A) QB) O
C) 6D) T

70 / 100

Where is Bharat Mart, the hybrid marketplace for Indian businesses, situated?
भारतीय व्यवसायों के लिए हाइब्रिड बाज़ार, भारत मार्ट कहाँ स्थित है?
a) Mumbai, India
b) Delhi, India
c) Dubai, UAE
d) Abu Dhabi, UAE

71 / 100

The phenomenon of change in direction of light when it passes from one medium to another is called ...

a) Propagation b) Reflection c) Refraction d) Dispersion...

72 / 100

Rasik walked 20 m towards north. Then he turned right and walks 30 m. Then he turns right and walks 35 m. Then he turns left and walks 15 m. Finally he turns left and walks 15 m. In which direction and how many metres is he from the starting position?

A) 15 m WestB) 30 m East
C) 30 m WestD) 45 m East

74 / 100

Transistors belong to which of the following generation of the computers ?





75 / 100

(1042 + ?) ÷ 3 = 1816 ÷ 4

76 / 100

In the question given below out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given sentence and mark it as your answer.

One who is not virtuous but shows himself like

A. Imposter

B. Egotist

C. Hypocrite

D. Cannibal

77 / 100

Which of the following is NOT an anti-virus software ?





78 / 100

Light is a ______________ wave.

a) longitudinal b) elastic c) transverse d) mechanical...

79 / 100

Read the following passage care fully and answer the given questions.

Language, they say, is the Iens through which human beings perceive the world. If so, English is perhaps the most distorting lens through which to see animals. It has perpetuated a cross-eyed view of birds, beasts, fish and fowl. The very word' animal;' connotes the brutish and the sensual. Animal instincts and animal passions imply baseness and vulgarity. The language transfers negative human traits to animals, making the former appear as characteristics of the latter. Thus, the chicken is cowardly, frightened, faint-hearted, the goat lustful and foolish, the bear rough and ill-bred. Butterflies are flighty and foxes notorious for craftiness and cunning. They baffle, deceive and cheat. Much the worst one, reptiles, particularly the snake, creeping base malignant, abject, ungrateful and treacherous.

Each species carries its denigration forever embedded in its English name giving the language as many unpleasant adjectives and figures of speech as it could possibly want. To be bull-headed is to be impetuous and obstinate the cattish woman is spiteful and back-biting the crab-faced person has a peevish countenance. An elephant's walk is ungainly, bird brains are to be ridiculed and the herd mentality draws only contempt. You can be as blind as a bat and batty, if you are crazy as well.

In the English language

A. the animals are used for pleasant comparisons

B. the animals are used for interesting comparisons

C. the animals are used for unpleasant comparisons

D. the animals are not used for any figure of speech

80 / 100

In the context of computing, what is the full form of URL ?

a)Undistributed Resource Locator

b)Unified Resource Locator

c)Uniform Resource Locator

d)Uniform Region Locator

81 / 100

In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Mark your answer.

The millions of people from different parts of the world, who have settled in America, have all contributed something to American English. (A) _________ to the new ways of life they (B) _________ in the new country, they could not help leaving some (C) _________ of their language on English. (D) _________ drawing upon these many elements which make (E) _________ American culture, Americans have made their kind of English a melting pot in miniature.

Choose the correct option for (C)

A. mark

B. sign

C. identity

D. elements

82 / 100

The CPU and Memory are located in which of the following ?

[A] Expansion Board
[B] Mother Board
[C] Storage Device
[D] Output Device

83 / 100

A lover of books
A. Bibliophile
B. Bibliomaniac
C. Bibliographer
D. Bilingual

84 / 100

A bag contains 50 P, 25 P and 10 P coins in the ratio 5: 9: 4, amounting to Rs. 206. Find the number of coins of each type respectively.

A) 360, 160, 200B) 160, 360, 200
C) 200, 360,160D) 200,160,300

85 / 100

 In the question given below, choose the word most opposite in meaning to the given word and mark your answer.


A. Common

B. Limited

C. Variable

D. Tricky

86 / 100

In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Mark your answer.

The millions of people from different parts of the world, who have settled in America, have all contributed something to American English. (A) _________ to the new ways of life they (B) _________ in the new country, they could not help leaving some (C) _________ of their language on English. (D) _________ drawing upon these many elements which make (E) _________ American culture, Americans have made their kind of English a melting pot in miniature.

Choose the correct option for (B)

A. sought

B. found

C. acquired

D. traced

87 / 100

A thief is noticed by a policeman from a distance of 200 m. The thief starts running and the policeman chases him. The thief and the policeman run at the rate of 10 km and 11 km per hour respectively. What is the distance between them after 6 minutes?

A) 100 mB) 150 m
C) 190 mD) 200 m

88 / 100

I went to the __ store to buy a birthday card
1- a
2- b
4-none of these

89 / 100

To throw dust in one's eyes

a. To cheat someone
b. To make blind
c. To harm someone
d. To mislead

90 / 100

In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Mark your answer.

The millions of people from different parts of the world, who have settled in America, have all contributed something to American English. (A) _________ to the new ways of life they (B) _________ in the new country, they could not help leaving some (C) _________ of their language on English. (D) _________ drawing upon these many elements which make (E) _________ American culture, Americans have made their kind of English a melting pot in miniature.

Choose the correct option for (D)

A. On

B. From

C. By

D. In

91 / 100

_______ is the smallest unit of data in a computer ?





92 / 100

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
In the world have me made health an end in itself? We have forgotten that health is really a means to enable a person to do his work and do it well .A lot of modern medicine is concerded with promotion of good health .Many patients as well as many physicians pay very little attention to health: but very much attention to health makes some people imagine that they are ill. Our great concern with health is shown by the medical columns in newspapers, the health articles in popular and the popularity on television programme and all those books on medicine. We talk about health all the time yet for the most only result is more people with imaginary illness. The healthy man should not be wasting any time talking about health. He should be using health for work the work he does and the work that good health makes possible.
4 Modern medicine is primarily concerned with-
A. promotion of good health
B. people suffering from imaginery illness
C. people suffering from real illness
D. increased efficiency in work

93 / 100

P can complete a work in 12 days working 8 hours a day.Q can complete the same work in 8 days working 10 hours a day. If both p and Q work together,working 8 hours a day,in how many days can they complete the work?

A) 60/11B) 61/11
C) 71/11D) 72/11

94 / 100

A student has to obtain 33% of the total marks to pass. He got 125 marks and failed by 40 marks. The maximum marks are :

A) 500B) 600
C) 800D) 1000

95 / 100

In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word and mark it in the Answer-Sheet.
Q . Ostracize
A. Banish
B. Belittle
C. Beguile
D. Besiege

96 / 100

A is B's sister. C is B's mother. D is C's father. E is D's mother. Then, how is A related to D?

A) GrandfatherB) Grandmother
C) DaughterD) Granddaughter

97 / 100

 In the question given below, choose the word most similar in meaning to the given word and mark your answer.


A. Round

B. Rigid

C. Flexible

D. Hard

98 / 100

f the product 4864*9 P 2 is divisible by 12, the value of p:

A) 1B) 2
C) 3D) 4

99 / 100

Where did Prime Minister Narendra Modi address the Indian diaspora at the 'Ahlan Modi' event?
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने कहाँ 'अहलान मोदी' कार्यक्रम में भारतीय प्रवासियों को संबोधित किया?
a) Mumbai
b) Dubai
c) Abu Dhabi
d) New Delhi

100 / 100

A sum of money amounts to Rs.6690 after 3 years and to Rs.10,035 after 6 years on compound interest.find the sum.

A) 4360B) 4460
C) 4560D) 4660

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