Union Bank of India invites online application from Indian citizen for engagement of apprentices .2025
as on 05-03-2025 (last date of notification): Graduation from a recognized University/ Institute. Candidates must have completed & have passing certificate for their graduation on or after 01.04.2021.
DURATION OF TRAINING: Duration of training is of one year. The apprentice shall be imparted On Job Training on different aspects of banking practices, products and processes.
STIPEND/ BENEFIT: The apprentices are eligible for stipend of Rs. 15000/- per month for the engagement period of one year. The apprentices are not eligible for any other allowances/benefits.
SELECTION PROCESS: Selection of candidates who apply for engagement of apprentices in the Bank after paying the requisite online examination fee shall have to undergo the selection process, which would comprise the following:
- Online Test (objective type): The online examination will consist of four tests i.e., General/ Financial Awareness, General English, Quantitative & Reasoning Aptitude and Computer Knowledge.
- Knowledge and Test of Local Language: The candidate applying for trainee seats of a particular state, should be proficient (reading, writing, speaking and understanding) in any one of the local languages of that state. Selected candidates will have to produce their 10th /12th standard mark sheet / certificate evidencing having studied the specified local language. Inability to produce certificate evidencing knowledge of language will then require to give a test of local language during their Personal Interaction & Document Verification. If candidate found not proficient in reading, writing, speaking and understanding of local language of state applied for, will not allowed to engage as an Apprentice.
- Wait List: Wait List of successful candidates may be declared by Bank at its sole discretion to meet the requirement of the Bank in respect of non-acceptance / non-reporting by the selected candidates from the First Merit List.
(iv) Medical Examination: Engagement of selected apprentices is subject to the candidates producing medically fit certificate from a practicing registered general physician who should be minimum a MBBS.
- Final Selection will be subject to:
- a) Meeting the Cut off marks in the online examination to be decided by the Bank at its sole discretion.
- b) Satisfactory verification of the documents related to DoB/Category/Educational Qualification satisfying the eligibility criteria for an apprentice compared with the information furnished in the application.
- c) Submission of Certificate/Passing of test evidencing knowledge of a local language.
- d) Submission of a medically fit Certificate from a practicing registered General Physician. J. Contract of Apprenticeship:
- a) Candidates found eligible for engagement on the basis of merit list shall be offered engagement digitally by the Bank through the appropriate apprenticeship portal.
- b) Candidates receiving the offer of apprenticeship online from the Bank need to accept it on the portal within a stipulated time/date.
- c) The apprenticeship training shall be deemed to have commenced from the training start date mentioned on the contract of apprenticeship. Classification: Public Page 4 of 20 K. Assessment and Certification: After completion of apprentices training, apprentices will need to go through an assessment test. The certificate will be awarded to apprentices who pass the assessment as per prevailing guidelines.
Important Dates
Total Apprenticeship : 2691
Application Begin : 19/02/2025
Last Date for Apply Online : 05/03/2025
Admit Card Available : Before Exam
Application Fee
General / OBC/ EWS: 800 +GST
SC / ST : 600 + GST
Female : 600 +GST
Pay the Examination Fee Through Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking, IMPS, Cash Card, Mobile Wallet, E Challan
Age Limit
Minimum Age : 20 Years.
Maximum Age : 28 Years.
Age Relaxation Extra as per relaxation in upper age limit for categories like SC/ST/OBC/PWBD etc. as per Govt. of India guidelines is applicable.
Recruitment Rules.
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