Union Bank of India : Recruitment of Local Bank Office

Union Bank Of India Recruitment of Local Bank Office

Union Bank of India : Recruitment of Local Bank Office

Union Bank of India : Recruitment of Local Bank Office. The full details for the Recruitment of Local Bank Office in Union bank of India is as under. 

 Union Bank of India (herein after called the Bank), a leading listed Public Sector Bank with Central Office at Mumbai and having presence in Pan India, as well as, overseas presence, invites On-line Applications for recruitment of the following post:

01Local Bank Officer (LBO)JMGS -I48480-2000/7-62480-2340/2-67160-2680/7-859201500



Start Date for payment of fees / intimation charges and submitting the ON-LINE application.24.10.2024
Last Date for payment of fees / intimation charges and submitting the ON-LINE application.13.11.2024

Age and Educational Qualification:


Name of Post


& Scale

AgeEducational Qualifications




Local Bank Officer (LBO) – JMGS-I









A fulltime/regular Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a University/Institution recognized by Government of India or its Regulatory bodies.



The candidate must possess valid Mark-sheet / Degree Certificate that he/ she is a graduate on the day he/ she registers and indicate the

Percentage of marks obtained in Graduation while registering online.

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 Relaxation in Upper Age Limit:


SNCategoryAge relaxation
1Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe5 years
2Other Backward Classes (Non-creamy layer)3 years
3Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) –


a.    Visually Impairment (VI) – Blindness and Low Vision;

b.    Hearing Impaired (HI) – Deaf and Hard of Hearing;

c.    Orthopedically Challenged (OC) – Locomotor Disability (One Arm – OA, One Leg -OL, Both Legs -BL, One Arm & One Leg -OAL), Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims and Muscular Dystrophy;

d.    Intellectual Disability (ID) Intellectual Disability (Autism Spectrum Disorder, Specific Learning Disability and Mental Illness) & Multiple Disability;

e.    Multiple Disabilities means disability amongst clauses (a) to (d)

Including deaf-blindness in the posts identified for each disability.

10 years
4Ex-Servicemen, Commissioned Officers, including Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECOs/Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs) who have rendered at least 5 years military service and have been released on completion of assignment (Including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year from the date of notification) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or physical disability attributable to military service or



5 years
5Persons affected by 1984 riots5 years
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The selected candidates will be on Probation for a period of 2 years of active service from the date of his / her joining the Bank.

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The selected candidates will be required to execute a Service Indemnity Bond undertaking to serve the Bank for a minimum period of 3 years or to pay the Bank a sum of Rs.2,00,000.00 (Rs. Two Lakh Only) plus applicable taxes as per Government rules in case he / she leaves the Bank before completion of 3 years of active service.



The selection process may comprise of Online Examination / Group Discussion (if conducted)/Screening of applications and / or Personal Interview depending on the numbers of applicants/eligible candidates. The Bank reserves the absolute right to decide as to whether to use all or any of these modes for selection for the notified posts.

Online Examination / Test:

Structure of the Examination:  




Name of the Tests(Not by Sequence) 


No. of Questions

Maximum Marks 


Medium of Exam

Time allotted for


each test (Separately timed)

1Reasoning & Computer Aptitude45     60English and Hindi60 Minutes
2General/Economy/ Banking Awareness40     40English and Hindi35 Minutes
3Data Analysis & Interpretation35     60English and Hindi45 Minutes
4English Language35        40English40 Minutes
Total155     200 180 Minutes



English Language (Letter Writing & Essay) 











30 Minutes

Descriptive Paper of English Language (Letter writing & Essay) may be evaluated by an automated scoring mechanism for identifying features related to writing proficiency. This scoring mechanism is duly validated and evaluates proficiency of test takers in writing in English Language in an objective manner as the mechanism does not have any in-built biases for evaluating responses.

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PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS (Applicable to Online Examination

There will be penalty for wrong answers marked in the Objective Tests. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate one fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at corrected score. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.

Language Proficiency Test (LPT):

The candidate must have Proficiency (reading, writing and speaking) in the Local Language of the State applied for. Candidates shortlisted in the Online Examination will be required to qualify Language Proficiency test, failing which they will not be allowed to appear for Personal Interview and thus their candidature will not be considered for further selection process.

However, candidates who produce 10th or 12th standard mark sheet/certificate evidencing having studied the specified local language of the applied State as one of the subjects will not be required to undergo the language proficiency test.

Personal Interview (PI)

Merit list of candidates based on the marks obtained by them in Online Examination will be prepared in descending order for the respective categories i.e. SC/ST/OBC/EWS/General. Candidates securing the minimum qualifying marks stipulated for Online Examination and ranking sufficiently high in the order of merit shall be called for personal Interview.

Mere passing in the online test shall not vest any right to a candidate for being called for Personal Interview. In case of equal marks by two or more candidates, merit order of such group of candidates will be on the basis of Date of Birth i.e. candidates senior in age will be placed higher in the merit list.

For interview the candidates will be called in the ratio of 1:3 as against the number of vacancies. However, Bank may modify the said ratio at its own discretion.

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The total marks allotted for Interview are 100. The minimum qualifying marks in interview will not be less than 40% (35% for SC/ST/OBC/PWBD candidates). The applicants not securing the minimum qualifying marks in the Personal Interview will be disqualified for selection. Interview score of the candidates failing to secure minimum qualifying marks or otherwise barred from the interview or further process shall not be disclosed.

The weightage (ratio) of Online Exam and Interview will be in the ratio of 80:20 respectively. The combined final score of candidates shall be arrived at on the basis of scores obtained by the candidates in the Online Examination and Interview.

Important Notes :

  • The applicants will be called for the Online Examinations on the basis of the information provided by them in their On-line Applications without verification of their age or qualification or category or any other eligibility criteria. 
  • After the selection process, the applicants, who secure more than the prescribed minimum qualifying marks in the used selection processes, will be ranked in a descending order on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained in the Online Examination and / or Personal Interview under the respective SC/ST/OBC/EWS/GEN.
  • Subject to the vacancies available under the respective Category, only those candidates, who pass the Online Examination as well as the Personal Interview will be short-listed for selection in the order of the Merit / Rank obtained by them under the respective
  • Candidates who have defaulted in repayment under any lending arrangement with Banks / NBFCs/ Financial Institutions including credit card dues and have not regularized / repaid their outstanding thereunder till the date of issuance of letter of offer of appointment by the Bank, shall not be eligible for appointment to the post. 

For Full Details of the Recuritment please visit : Aboutus Careers | Union Bank of India

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