GK Quiz Test of 18th December

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GK Quiz Test

Quiz Test

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1 / 10

The peacock Throne was commissioned by ___ ?

2 / 10

which Sultan was prohibited the drinking and selling of wine in Delhi?

3 / 10

The Kohinoor diamond is a __ Carat diamond.

4 / 10

Khizr Khan was a ruler of Delhi, belonged to which of the following dynasties?

5 / 10

The Kohinoor diamond was taken from which of the following kings?

6 / 10

which of the following is correct about Al-Biruni..?

A. He was Iranian scholar and polymath came from Uzbekistan.

B. The scholar was entrusted by sultan mahmud of ghazni

C. Kitab al hind is a book written by him

7 / 10

Consider the following statements regarding Alauddin Khilji:

1. Alauddin Khalji’s greatest achievement was the conquest of Deccan and the far south.

2. He was the first Sultan of Delhi who ordered land measurement.

3. Alauddin Khalji was a literate sultan, he patronized poets like Amir Khusrau and Amir Hasan.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

8 / 10

9 / 10

Not even a hundred karohs of my territory are obedient to me in the proper way"

Identify the person whom Sultan Alauddin Khalji was complaining to.?

10 / 10

Prince Khurram grew up to be known as ?

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