GK QUIZ TEST 2nd February February 2, 2024February 2, 2024 Manoj Jha After 10 min Test will close automatically GK Quiz Test Quiz Test Please submit below details before proceed<<Don't worry we wont call its Just for Tracking purpose>> 1 / 10 In which country was the Quad Summit 2022 organized India China Japan Australia 2 / 10 The Indian Constituent Assembly adopted the design of the Indian National Flag on 22 july 1947 23 june 1950 13 September 1947 23 August 1947 3 / 10 During the rule of which of the following RulerNasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq did Timur or Tamerlane invade India in 1398 AD? Iltutmish Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughluq Ghiyasuddin Tughluq Mohammad Tughluq 4 / 10 Jnanpith Award is given in which field? Drama Dance History Literature 5 / 10 Where is the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund located? New York London Geneva Washington 6 / 10 Where was the rare Blue-bellied Kukri snake seen after 112 years? UP Assam Arunachal Pradesh Sikkim 7 / 10 When is the International Day of Biodiversity celebrated? 23 june 21 may 23 may 22 june 8 / 10 Which scientist discovered oxygen? Robert Boley John Dalton Joseph Presley Antoine Lavoisier 9 / 10 Who has been sworn in as the 31st Prime Minister of Australia? Anthony Albanese Stuart Robert Anthony Albert Alex Hawke 10 / 10 When is the World Population Day celebrated? 11 December 11 July 11 June 11 September Your score is Let Everyone know your Achievement. LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Also Check: Logical Reasoning Test(Topic: Inequality) Of 29th January