Logical Reasoning Quiz Test of 15th May

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Logical Reasoning Quiz Test

Quiz Test

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1 / 10

In a certain code 'SEQUENCE' is coded as 'FDOFVRFT. How is 'CHILDREN' coded in that code?

2 / 10

In a certain language, if FISHis written as HFISthen how will LIONbe written as in the same language?

3 / 10

In a certain language, if COUNTRY is written as CUOTNRYthen how will CURRENTE be written as in the same

4 / 10

In a certain language, if FRIEND is written as FNEIRDthen how will CONCRETEbe written as in the same

5 / 10

If the letters of the word 'CYCLINDER' are arranged alphabetically, then which letter would be farthest from the first letter of word?

6 / 10

In certain code 'HILTON' is written as 'I H T L N O'. How is 'BILLION' written in that code?

7 / 10

In a certain code 'CERTAIN' is coded as 'BFQUZJM'. How is 'MUNDANE' coded in that code?

8 / 10

7In a certain language, if GSJKOis written asJSKGOthen how will PASGH be written in the same language?

9 / 10

If in the English alphabet, every alternate letter from B onwards is written in small letters while others are written in capitals, then how will the 3rd day from Tuesday will be coded?

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