Science Quiz 1 may (Biology Basics) May 1, 2024 Manoj Jha After 10 min Test will close automatically Science Quiz Test (Biology Basics) Quiz Test Please submit below details before proceed<<Don't worry we wont call its Just for Tracking purpose>> 1 / 10 A group of glands which produce various hormones is called:A. Respiratory systemB. ExcretionC. Endocrine systemD. Central nervous system a d b c 2 / 10 What are heterotrophs, mostly bacteria and fungi, when obtain food by breaking down substances in dead protoplasm are called:A. OmnivoresB. HerbivoresC. DecomposersD. Carnivores c a b d 3 / 10 What is the act of supplying water to a field through artificial means called?A. IrrigationB. InsecticideC. FungicideD. Monoculture a c b d 4 / 10 The complex feeding relationships within a community is called:A. Food chainB. Food webC. Trophic levelD. All of the above c d a b 5 / 10 What is ploughing and cultivating the land called?A. IrrigationB. DomesticationC. TillingD. Weeding c a d b 6 / 10 What are those animals called which eat both plants and animals?A. OmnivoresB. HerbivoresC. CarnivoresD. Decomposers c b d a 7 / 10 What is the shedding of flowers, leaves and fruits followed by formation of scar tissue in a plant called?A. AbscissionB. Abscisic acidC. DeciduousD. Mitosis b c a d 8 / 10 Those organs which have same basic structure but different functions are called:A. Analogous organsB. SpeciationC. FossilsD. Homologous organs b c a d 9 / 10 Organic constituents of soil formed by complete or partial decomposition of plant and animal material is called:A. FaunaB. HumusC. FossilD. Compost a d b c 10 / 10 Those organs which have different basic structure but have similar appearance and perform similar functions are called:Also Check: GK Quiz Test Of 28th DecemberA. FossilsB. Analogous organsC. Homologous organsD. Speciation b c d a Your score is Let Everyone know your Achievement. LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz