Quiz Test Of 11th February February 11, 2024February 11, 2024 Manoj Jha After 10 min Test will close automaticallyLogical Reasoning Quiz TestQuiz Test Please submit below details before proceed<<Don't worry we wont call its Just for Tracking purpose>> 1 / 11Pankaj shifted 7 places towards his right to occupy the middle position in the row. Ifthere were 33 persons in the row them what was the original position of Pankaj from theright end of the row? 20th 17th 10th 24th 2 / 11In row of 35 people facing the North, R is 10th from the right end and there are 10people between R and P. What is P’s position from the left end of the row? 15th 17th 19th 13th 3 / 11Seven family members namely Rekha, Tipu, Meena, Mohan, Duggu, Sandy and Krishna in a family are relatedto each other in the following way:Krishna is uncle of Sandy who is only son of mohan. Duggu is brother of mohan who is husband of Meena.Rekha has only two sons. Sandy is grandson of Tipu. Rekha is wife of Tipu. How is Tipu related to sandy? Grandmother Grandfather Son Daughter 4 / 11In a certain code language‘life is not easy’ is written as ‘pq rt av ik’‘meet people in life’ is written as ’av mo la ny ‘‘people want easy things’ is written as ‘tp ha ik mo’‘your want is unlimited’ is written as ‘pq ax vy ha’. What is the code for ‘things’? mo tp ha ik 5 / 11 If 11 (170)16, 11(203)19, then value of 17(?)18 will be –Also Check: Maths Quiz Test Of 27th February 300 400 None of these 200 6 / 11Seven family members namely Rekha, Tipu, Meena, Mohan, Duggu, Sandy and Krishna in a family are relatedto each other in the following way:Krishna is uncle of Sandy who is only son of mohan. Duggu is brother of mohan who is husband of Meena.Rekha has only two sons. Sandy is grandson of Tipu. Rekha is wife of Tipu.How is Rekha related to Meena? Daughter Mother in law Son in law Father in law 7 / 11What will be the difference between the third last digit and fourth digit from the leftend of the number ‘947823165’ after arranging all its digits in ascending order? 5 7 4 3 8 / 11Cleanliness survey was conducted at 6 different locations among Bhopal, Ranchi, Jaipur, Simla,Patna and Mumbai. These surveys were conducted on 4th and 17th of three different monthsviz. June, August and October such that no two surveys were conducted on same date of amonth.The survey at Ranchi was conducted before the survey at Jaipur, which was conducted in amonth whose total number of days are odd. 3 surveys were conducted between the surveys atJaipur and Simla. The survey at Simla and Patna were conducted in same month. The survey inPatna and Ranchi were conducted on same dates but in consecutive months. The survey atBhopal was conducted just before the survey at Mumbai. 9 / 11What will be the addition of the third digit from the right end and the fourth digitfrom the left end of the number ‘768395241’ after arranging all its digits in descendingorder?Also Check: Maths Quiz Test Of 16th January 15 12 None of these 8 10 / 11How many such pair(s) of digits are there in the number ‘48240866’ which have asmany digits between them as in the numerical series? Four Three Five Two 11 / 11 Which letter is seventh from left of 16th from right in English alphabet? E R D W Your score isLet Everyone know your Achievement. LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz