Math Quiz Test 07 Aug 2024 August 7, 2024 Manoj Jha After 10 min Test will close automatically Maths Quiz Test Ratio Please submit below details before proceed<<Don't worry we wont call its Just for Tracking purpose>> 1 / 10 A can X contains 399 litres of petrol anda can Y contains 532 litres of diesel.They are to be bottled in bottles of equalsize so that whole of petrol and dieselwould be separately bottled. the bottlecapacity in terms of litres is an integer.How many different bottle sizes arepossible ?(a) 3 (b)4(c) 5 (d) 6 a b d c 2 / 10 A certain number of men can completea piece of work in 6k days, where k is anatural number. By what percentshould the number of men be increasedso that the work can be completed in 5kdays ?(a) 10% (b) (50/3)%(c) 20% (d) 25% b a d c 3 / 10 P’s salary is 20% lower than Q’s salarywhich is 20% lower than R’s salary. Byhow much percent is R’s salary morethan P’s salary ?(a) 48.75% (b)56.25%(c) 60.50% (d) 62.25% b c a d 4 / 10 Two persons P and Q enter into abusiness. P puts Rs. 14,000 more thanQ, but P has invested for 8 months andQ has invested for 10 months. If P’sshare is Rs. 400 more than Q’s share outof the total profit of Rs. 2,000, what isthe capital contributed by P ?(a)Rs. 30,000 (b) Rs. 26,000(c) Rs. 24,000 (d) Rs. 20,000 d a c b 5 / 10 What percent of water must be mixedwith honey so as to gain 20% by sellingthe mixture at the cost price of honey ?(a)20%(b) 10%(c) 5%(d) 4%Also Check: Science Quiz Test (Atomic Structure) 29 April a b c d 6 / 10 In the expression 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1, * ischosen from +, –, × each at most twotimes. What is the smallest non negative value of the expression ?(a) 3 (b) 2(c) 1 (d)0 c b d a 7 / 10 P’s salary is 20% lower than Q’s salarywhich is 20% lower than R’s salary. Byhow much percent is R’s salary morethan P’s salary ?(a) 48.75% (b)56.25%(c) 60.50% (d) 62.25% a c b d 8 / 10 421 and 427, when divided by the samenumber, leave the same remainder 1.How many numbers can be used as thedivisor in order to get the sameremainder 1 ?(a) 1 (b) 2(c) 3 (d) 4 c d b a 9 / 10 Out of 130 students appearing in an exam, 62 failed in Science, 52 failed in English, whereas 24 failed in both Science and English. The number of students who passed isa. 50b. 20c. 40d. 30 d b a c 10 / 10 X, Y and Z can complete a piece of workindividually in 6 hours, 8 hours and8 hours respectively. However, only oneperson at a time can work in each hourand nobody can work for two consecutivehours. All are engaged to finish thework. What is the minimum amount oftime that they will take to finish thework ?(a) 6 hours 15 minutes(b) 6 hours 30 minutes(c) 6 hours 45 minutes(d) 7 hours b a d c Your score is Let Everyone know your Achievement. LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Post Views: 30